Menarik untuk melihat gambaran singkat mengenai cara bekerja industri distribusi.
Dalam industri distribusi gambaran strategy Map di atas mencerminkan situasi perusahaan yang akan kompetitif sekaligus unggul di pasar. Penjabarannya sebagai berikut:
Model ini sangat tepat untuk industri distribusi seperti FMCG, farmasi, software, bahkan telekomunikasi sekalipun.
[Diagram strategi map dapat dilihat di] dan penjabaran di bawah juga diambil dari site tersebut.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Strategi Industri Distribusi
Production Environment
Dalam produksi, terutama di manufacturing biasanya bisa diklasifikan dalam 4 jenis utama.
ETO : Engineer to Order
MTO: Make to Order
PTO: Package to Order
MTS: Make to stock
Ke-4 hal tersebut selalu connected well, tetapi ada batasan dan fungsi masing-masing.
Ini berhubungan SPESIFIK requirement. Umumnya ada proses engineering.
Pada tahap ini produk dibuat setelah kita menerima order dari customer. Kemudian standar komponent dibeli dan distock sebagai raw materials.
Setelah MTO berhasil dibuat....lantas digabung dengan sub-assembly lain......jadilah PTO. Dengan kata lain, MTO+MTO = assembled become PTO
Merupakan Finished good komplet.
Secara umum, kita bisa memberikan flow sebagai berikut:
ETO ==> MTO ==> PTO ===> MTS
Benchmarking Competency SCM
Sharing soal competency yang bisa diartikan sebagai set of skill atau knowledge yang harus dimiliki atau di develop oleh person yang memegang fungsi tertentu, seperti ; Planning, Procurement etc.
Competency merupakan syarat secara berjenjang yang tergantung di posisi mana seseorang memegang posisinya karena di posisi junior akan sangat berbeda dengan posisi senior walaupun dalam satu fungsi Planning misalnya dan antara satu organisasi dan organisasi lainnya akan berbeda-beda.
Berikut dapat di jadikan benchmark untuk beberapa fungsi:
Level Level Definition Dimension Requirements
0 Nil
No skill acquired
1 Novice
Ability to understand (comprehend) general term and basic principles.
Ability to apply the principles with very minor non-conformities.
Line Capacity (Manning & M/c speed)
Material Requirements Planning (MRP)
2 Apprentice
Ability to identify deviations/gaps between the real activities with the required standard.
Ability to develop and execute simple preventive actions required to narrowing the gap.
Line Capacity (Manning & M/c speed)
Material Requirements Planning (MRP)
Master Planning (demand, stock level)
Cycle Time
3 Intermediate
Ability to supervise and managed the activities and handle more complex non-conformities in order to achieve the desired standards.
Ability to maintain the existing standards.
Line Capacity (Manning & M/c speed)
Material Requirements Planning (MRP)
Master Planning (demand, stock level)
Cycle Time
Manufacturing process/ Flow balancing
4 Advance
Ability to study and optimize current processes and improve to higher standards.
Ability to anticipate changing environment and provide/propose new standards.
Ability to transform new standards into specific improvement activities.
Line Capacity (manning & M/c speed)
Material Requirements Planning (MRP)
Master Planning (demand, stock level)
Cycle Time
Manufacturing process/Flow balancing
5 Expert / Specialist
Ability to create innovative solutions and applies towards excellence in quality control management.
Act as a Living Dictionary.
Line Capacity (Manning & M/c speed)
Material Requirements Planning (MRP)
Master Planning (demand, stock level)
Cycle Time
Manufacturing process/Flow balancing
Level Level Definition Dimension Requirements
0 Nil
No skill acquired
1 Novice
Ability to understand (comprehend) general term and basic principles.
Ability to apply the principles with very minor non-conformities.
Material Requirement Planning (MRP)
2 Apprentice
Ability to identify deviations/gaps between the real activities with the required standard.
Ability to develop and execute simple preventive actions required to narrowing the gap.
Material Requirement Planning (MRP)
Cycle Time
3 Intermediate
Ability to supervise and managed the activities and handle more complex non-conformities in order to achieve the desired standards.
Ability to maintain the existing standards.
Material Requirement Planning (MRP)
Cycle Time
Master Planning
4 Advance
Ability to study and optimize current processes and improve to higher standards.
Ability to anticipate changing environment and provide/propose new standards.
Ability to transform new standards into specific improvement activities.
Material Requirement Planning (MRP)
Cycle Time
Master Planning
Supplier development
5 Expert / Specialist
Ability to create innovative solutions and applies towards excellence in quality control management.
Act as a Living Dictionary.
Material Requirement Planning (MRP)
Cycle Time
Master Planning
Supplier development
Level Level Definition Dimension Requirements
0 Nil
No skill acquired
1 Novice
Ability to understand (comprehend) general term and basic principles.
Ability to apply the principles with very minor non-conformities.
Material consumption (MWOPL, MRS)
Material control & handling
2 Apprentice
Ability to identify deviations/gaps between the real activities with the required standard.
Ability to develop and execute simple preventive actions required to narrowing the gap.
Material consumption (MWOPL, MRS)
Material control & handling
Inventory category (obsolete, fast & slow moving)
3 Intermediate
Ability to supervise and managed the activities and handle more complex non-conformities in order to achieve the desired standards.
Ability to maintain the existing standards.
Material consumption (MWOPL, MRS)
Material control & handling
Inventory category (obsolete, fast & slow moving)
Material Requirement Planning (MRP)
Stock accuracy (raw material & finish goods)
4 Advance
Ability to study and optimize current processes and improve to higher standards.
Ability to anticipate changing environment and provide/propose new standards.
Ability to transform new standards into specific improvement activities.
Material consumption (MWOPL, MRS)
Material control & handling
Inventory category (obsolete, fast & slow moving)
Material Requirement Planning (MRP)
Stock accuracy (raw material & finish goods)
Inventory & warehouse management system
5 Expert / Specialist
Ability to create innovative solutions and applies towards excellence in quality control management.
Act as a Living Dictionary.
Material consumption (MWOPL, MRS)
Material control & handling
Inventory category (obsolete, fast & slow moving)
Material Requirement Planning (MRP)
Stock accuracy (raw material & finish goods)
Inventory & warehouse management system
Change Management Project vs IT Project
Tidak banyak yang mengerti perbedaannya sehingga pengadaannya cenderung ke IT Project.
PENGADAAN SISTEM mudah via berbagai tender, tetapi PENERAPAN SISTEM butuh CHANGE MANAGEMENT.
Titik-titik kegiatan dalam CHANGE MANAGEMENT diawali dengan kebutuhan CHANGE AGENT yang mampu menerobos SUMSUM BUDAYA PENGGUNA SISTEM yang memerlukan waktu yang panjang sehingga terjadi sesuai dengan bentuk efisiensi yang diinginkan.
Jika filosofi ini benar, maka mari kita lihat fenomena gerakan reformasi dunia logistik yang mana kita mengharapkan adanya suatu perubahan total.
Lalu kita akan terdorong untuk mulai meneliti berbagai pendekatan yang dilakukan oleh berbagai pelaku reformasi tersebut sebagai berikut:
Bagaimana situasi kini dunia logistik kita di Indonesia ?
Apakah cukup hanya dengan berbagai Master Plan yang dikibarkan yang kita semua sudah banyak dengar dalam forum-forum diskusi ?
Sudah banyak forum diskusi dilakukan, lalu kenapa Dunia Logistik belum berubah.
Sudah banyak "top-down" approach dilakukan, lalu kenapa juga Dunia Logistik gitu-gitu aja.
Coba ada ya judul tender pengadaan project yang berbunyi gini: Change Management Project in Logistic dengan RKS (Rencana Kerja dan Syarat-syarat) mengacu pada TOR (Term of Reference) yang valid, justified, auditable dan sebagainya.
Jika kesadaran akan pengadaan project ini bisa terjadi maka paling tidak reformasi di Dunia Logistik ini bisa secara step-by-step terwujud menjadi lebih efisien dari sebelumnya.
Artinya tidak semena-mena Master Plan, Pembangunan Fisik, Pengadaan ICT sebagai tools (alat) pembantu manajemen tetapi juga aspek Change Management-nya yang dilengkapi dengan beberapa Change Agent yang mengerti aspek business process, aspek operasional inti pelaku bisnis (perusahaan) terkait dunia logistik dan memiliki inter-personel skill yang excelent sehingga mampu memobilisir suatu budaya lama menjadi budaya baru, mampu mengkombinasi powerful otoritas top-down pada beberapa kondisi tertentu dan tidak terjadi friksi, riak karena diimbangi dengan pendekatan bottom-up yang excellent.
Jika dunia logistik ini berubah sedikit demi sedikit dan para pelaku bisnis dunia logistik yang throughput produksi bertumbuh dalam satuan waktu kerja satu hari optimum maka kemakmuran para pegawainya, keluarga perusahaan di dunia logistik naik, memiliki buying power yang tinggi, sektor informal bertumbuh, kita Indonesia menjadi lebih makmur dari negara-negara tetangga kita seperti: Singapura yang konon hidupnya adalah menjadi pelabuhan transhipment di trafik lalu lintas kapal pada Selat Malaka.
Indonesia adalah negara kelautan dengan berbagai pulau-pulau, maka kondisi politis mulai dari pemerintah sampai pada kepentingan pengadaan tender project ICT, tender project Change Management di instansi pemerintah, maupun BUMN itu jangan tersusun seperti: pulau-pulau juga donk.
Kita yang di pulau-pulau "politis" ini harus ada nurani yang dalam pribadi masing-masing dan sadar dan melihat titik yang lain di atas kita, yakni: kebersamaan dalam koordinasi di dunia logistik; yang harus maju peradaban, budaya dan ekonomi.
Jika tidak demikian, maka para player (pemain) negara lain akan mulai masuk mendirikan PMA Freight Forwarder dan sebagainya dan alhasil mereka yang meraup profit keuntungan dunia logistik. Kita akhirnya hanya menjadi pegawai dan tidak bisa bersaing menjadi pelaku bisnis.
Rudy Sangian
Assessment Operasional Warehouse
Dalam dunia bisnis saat ini yang semakin kompetitif, tantangan terbesar dalam mengelola warehouse adalah produktivitas dan efektivitas operasional warehouse dalam memenuhi harapan pelanggan. Salah satu cara untuk mengetahui seberapa efektif pengelolaan warehouse adalah melalui assessment operasional warehouse.
Apa itu assessment operasional, mengapa penting dilakukan, dan bagaimana melaksanakan assessment operasional?
F. Curtis Barry & Company, konsultan Warehouse, System, dan Inventory mendefinisikan assessment operasional sebagai review sistematis mengenai fungsi-fungsi warehouse untuk peningkatan perbaikan dalam efisiensi dan peningkatan kualitas pelayanan. Assessment operasional mencakup evaluasi kuantitatif dan kualitatif atas produktivitas dan tingkat kualitas pelayanan yang telah dicapai dari operasional warehouse. Dengan assessment operasional memungkinkan kita dapat mengukur produktivitas dan kualitas pelayanan serta dapat mengidentifikasi pola dan trend; mengevaluasi secara tepat posisi kita saat ini dan apa yang diperlukan untuk mencapai tujuan yang telah ditetapkan. Assessment operasional juga memberikan informasi kepada kita mengenai perbandingan ukuran-ukuran kinerja yang telah dicapai dengan benchmark industri.
Penting untuk kita perhatikan, bahwa jika kita tidak dapat mengukur sesuatu dengan benar, maka sangatlah tidak mungkin – untuk tidak dikatakan sulit – untuk melakukan perbaikan. Dengan melakukan assessment operasional, maka akan membantu kita dalam meningkatkan produktivitas, menggunakan ruang distribution center secara optimal, memperbaiki throughput dan kapasitas order yang diproses dalam warehouse, efisiensi alur kerja melalui pengurangan proses pekerjaan, memperbaiki tingkat kualitas pelayanan, dan pada akhirnya akan dapat memeroleh laba yang lebih tinggi dengan cara peningkatan pendapatan dan penurunan biaya.
Empat Area Kritis untuk Dilakukan Assessment
Ada empat area penting yang harus dievaluasi, yaitu:
1. Pekerja
Dalam evaluasi aspek pekerja ini meliputi evaluasi produktivitas, biaya tenaga kerja, turnover, pelatihan, dan ketersediaan penawaran pasar tenaga kerja setempat.
Ada empat area penting yang harus dievaluasi, yaitu:
1. Pekerja
Dalam evaluasi aspek pekerja ini meliputi evaluasi produktivitas, biaya tenaga kerja, turnover, pelatihan, dan ketersediaan penawaran pasar tenaga kerja setempat.
2. Fasilitas warehouse
Evaluasi fasilitas warehouse dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui apakah tersedia cukup space dan penggunaan space tersebut apakah efisien dan efektif. Evaluasi fasilitas warehouse mencakup: cube, cost, seasonality, dan pemeliharaan (housekeeping).
Evaluasi fasilitas warehouse dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui apakah tersedia cukup space dan penggunaan space tersebut apakah efisien dan efektif. Evaluasi fasilitas warehouse mencakup: cube, cost, seasonality, dan pemeliharaan (housekeeping).
3. Alur kerja dan prosedur
Area ini merupakan area yang paling mudah untuk dilakukan perbaikan. Tujuan dari evaluasi ini adalah untuk meminimalkan jumlah waktu yang diperlukan untuk memproses produk, dan langkah-langkah yang diperlukan pekerja untuk memindahkan produk ke fasilitas warehouse. Evaluasi alur kerja dan prosedur mencakup: flow charts, slotting systems, packaging materials, dan quality control.
Area ini merupakan area yang paling mudah untuk dilakukan perbaikan. Tujuan dari evaluasi ini adalah untuk meminimalkan jumlah waktu yang diperlukan untuk memproses produk, dan langkah-langkah yang diperlukan pekerja untuk memindahkan produk ke fasilitas warehouse. Evaluasi alur kerja dan prosedur mencakup: flow charts, slotting systems, packaging materials, dan quality control.
4. Sistem warehouse
Pada umumnya operasional warehouse terdiri dari tiga area penting, yaitu slotting, replenishment, dan location control yang terintegrai dalam suatu sistem manajemen warehouse (warehouse management system/ WMS). Evaluasi WMS mencakup: Inventory management, Bar coding, Replenishment, Pick ticket selection, Pack verification, Tracking, dan Returns.
Pada umumnya operasional warehouse terdiri dari tiga area penting, yaitu slotting, replenishment, dan location control yang terintegrai dalam suatu sistem manajemen warehouse (warehouse management system/ WMS). Evaluasi WMS mencakup: Inventory management, Bar coding, Replenishment, Pick ticket selection, Pack verification, Tracking, dan Returns.
Cara Melakukan Assessment
Ada lima tahapan dalam melakukan assessment, yaitu:
Ada lima tahapan dalam melakukan assessment, yaitu:
1. Observasi operasional
Tahap awal dalam assessment adalah melakukan kunjungan fasilitas warehouse untuk observasi kondisi operasional secara umum dan efektivitas proses operasional warehouse. Tahap ini bukanlah analisis detil, melainkan sekadar memeroleh kesan awal atas kinerja operasional warehouse yang dapat menjadi petunjuk dalam langkah-langkah assessment berikutnya. Observasi difokuskan pada evaluasi produktivitas dan tingkat pelayanan yang dicapai saat ini. Area-area apa saja yang perlu dilakukan observasi? Biasanya yang perlu menjadi perhatian untuk diobservasi antara lain: kebersihan fasilitas warehouse, semangat dan perilaku pekerja, pelaksanaan HSE (Health, Safety and Environment), congestion, ketepatan dalam penggunaan teknologi otomatisasi, penerapan bar code, utilisasi space dan cube, dan lain-lain. Dari observasi ini akan diperoleh informasi mengenai masalah-masalah yang dihadapi dalam operasional warehouse, yang nantinya akan menjadi fokus perbaikan.
Tahap awal dalam assessment adalah melakukan kunjungan fasilitas warehouse untuk observasi kondisi operasional secara umum dan efektivitas proses operasional warehouse. Tahap ini bukanlah analisis detil, melainkan sekadar memeroleh kesan awal atas kinerja operasional warehouse yang dapat menjadi petunjuk dalam langkah-langkah assessment berikutnya. Observasi difokuskan pada evaluasi produktivitas dan tingkat pelayanan yang dicapai saat ini. Area-area apa saja yang perlu dilakukan observasi? Biasanya yang perlu menjadi perhatian untuk diobservasi antara lain: kebersihan fasilitas warehouse, semangat dan perilaku pekerja, pelaksanaan HSE (Health, Safety and Environment), congestion, ketepatan dalam penggunaan teknologi otomatisasi, penerapan bar code, utilisasi space dan cube, dan lain-lain. Dari observasi ini akan diperoleh informasi mengenai masalah-masalah yang dihadapi dalam operasional warehouse, yang nantinya akan menjadi fokus perbaikan.
2. Pengumpulan data atas informasi dan ukuran-ukuran kinerja yang diperlukan
Setelah masalah-masalah dapat diidentifikasi, maka tahap berikutnya adalah mengumpulkan data atas informasi dan ukuran-ukuran kinerja yang diperlukan. Informasi yang dikumpulkan merupakan data detil dan ukuran-ukuran kinerja operasional warehouse. Setiap ukuran kinerja agar dicari standarnya sebagai dasar untuk evaluasi kinerja. Perbandingan antara standard dengan pencapaian kinerja aktual untuk setiap ukuran kinerja, memungkinkan kita dapat memeroleh informasi variance yang menjadi perhatian kita dalam melakukan perbaikan. Ukuran kinerja pengelolaan warehouse yang sering digunakan antara lain: order shipping accuracy, order turnaround time, receiving, quality assurance, stock putaway, returns, inventory control, replenishment, serta picking, packing and shipping.
Setelah masalah-masalah dapat diidentifikasi, maka tahap berikutnya adalah mengumpulkan data atas informasi dan ukuran-ukuran kinerja yang diperlukan. Informasi yang dikumpulkan merupakan data detil dan ukuran-ukuran kinerja operasional warehouse. Setiap ukuran kinerja agar dicari standarnya sebagai dasar untuk evaluasi kinerja. Perbandingan antara standard dengan pencapaian kinerja aktual untuk setiap ukuran kinerja, memungkinkan kita dapat memeroleh informasi variance yang menjadi perhatian kita dalam melakukan perbaikan. Ukuran kinerja pengelolaan warehouse yang sering digunakan antara lain: order shipping accuracy, order turnaround time, receiving, quality assurance, stock putaway, returns, inventory control, replenishment, serta picking, packing and shipping.
3. Wawancara dengan staf
Wawancara staf dilakukan baik wawancara kepada manajemen maupun pekerja. Wawancara kepada manajemen diperlukan untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai kebijakan manajemen dalam pengembangan bisnis, produk, dan perbaikan proses operasional. Setelah diperoleh informasi dari manajemen, selanjutnya dilakukan wawancara kepada pekerja. Wawancara ini dimaksudkan untuk mendapatkan informasi apa saja permasalahan-permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh pekerja di tingkat operasional, apakah para pekerja memahami dan melaksanakan prosedur operional baku dalam setiap proses pekerjaan.
Wawancara staf dilakukan baik wawancara kepada manajemen maupun pekerja. Wawancara kepada manajemen diperlukan untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai kebijakan manajemen dalam pengembangan bisnis, produk, dan perbaikan proses operasional. Setelah diperoleh informasi dari manajemen, selanjutnya dilakukan wawancara kepada pekerja. Wawancara ini dimaksudkan untuk mendapatkan informasi apa saja permasalahan-permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh pekerja di tingkat operasional, apakah para pekerja memahami dan melaksanakan prosedur operional baku dalam setiap proses pekerjaan.
4. Benchmarking untuk melihat potensi perbaikan
Dari hasil pengumpulan data kinerja operasional warehouse dengan membandingkan antara standar dan aktual yang dievaluasi berdasarkan trend (membandingkan dengan periode sebelumnya) atau dibandingkan dengan kinerja industri melalui benchmarking. Dari evaluasi kinerja baik melalui analisis trend maupun benchmarking akan diperoleh informasi posisi daya saing warehouse dan area kritis mana yang perlu dilakukan perbaikan untuk mencapai posisi yang diinginkan.
Dari hasil pengumpulan data kinerja operasional warehouse dengan membandingkan antara standar dan aktual yang dievaluasi berdasarkan trend (membandingkan dengan periode sebelumnya) atau dibandingkan dengan kinerja industri melalui benchmarking. Dari evaluasi kinerja baik melalui analisis trend maupun benchmarking akan diperoleh informasi posisi daya saing warehouse dan area kritis mana yang perlu dilakukan perbaikan untuk mencapai posisi yang diinginkan.
5. Perumusan inisiasi program perbaikan
Tahap akhir dari proses assessment adalah perumusan inisiasi program perbaikan. Inisiasi program perbaikan ini dilakukan di empat area kritis operasional warehouse seperti yang dijelaskan di atas, yaitu pekerja, fasilitas warehouse, alur kerja dan prosedur, serta sistem warehouse. Perumusan inisiasi program perbaikan mencakup langkah-langkah perbaikan secara rinci, unit mana dan siapa yang bertanggung jawab atas pelaksanaan program tersebut, dan estimasi waktu yang diperlukan untuk menyelesaikannya.
Tahap akhir dari proses assessment adalah perumusan inisiasi program perbaikan. Inisiasi program perbaikan ini dilakukan di empat area kritis operasional warehouse seperti yang dijelaskan di atas, yaitu pekerja, fasilitas warehouse, alur kerja dan prosedur, serta sistem warehouse. Perumusan inisiasi program perbaikan mencakup langkah-langkah perbaikan secara rinci, unit mana dan siapa yang bertanggung jawab atas pelaksanaan program tersebut, dan estimasi waktu yang diperlukan untuk menyelesaikannya.
Menjadi jelas bagi kita semua, bahwa perbaikan operasinal warehouse perlu dilakukan terus-menerus, agar mampu menempatkan positioning warehouse anda di industri lebih baik. Memulai dari akhir dengan melakukan assessment operasional warehouse akan diperloleh informasi penting area-area kritis mana yang perlu dilakukan perbaikan.
(Dr. Zaroni, Trainer dan Konsultan Supply Chain Indonesia dan Dosen Universitas Multimedia Nusantara).
Sumber :
Pittsburgh welcomes you to Indonesia Focus 2013
The annual Indonesia Focus conference is designed to provide an opportunity for Indonesian and international scholars and professionals across disciplines to present their innovative research projects in the fields of art, science, and technology as well as business plan that can be useful to support Indonesian development. Specifically, the conference is intended to invite more Indonesian scholars to come to the US.
We believe this small step can provide an excellent experience for them to share their ideas or innovations in an international forum. In addition, we want to provide more opportunity for international scholars to learn about the Indonesian culture. Taman Budaya Indonesia Pittsburgh in collaboration with the PERMIAS Pittsburgh will also perform a cultural program: Indonesian Cultural Night 2013. This program will invite local friends of Indonesians from Pittsburgh and its surrounding areas to enjoy Indonesian cultural heritages (e.g., dances, fashions, songs) and more importantly Indonesian cuisine.
Conference Objectives
This conference aims to gather Indonesian and international scholars and professionals across disciplines to share their ideas and proposed actions in the field of the arts and humanities, natural and social science, as well as technology to accelerate Indonesian development. Indonesia Focus 2013 has the following objectives:
Provide an opportunity for Indonesian scholars to share their ideas in an international setting and publish their works in international media.
Explore ideas and business plans than can contribute to the acceleration of Indonesian development.
Strengthen Indonesia-US partnership through US-Indonesian universities collaboration.
Promote Indonesian culture to broader international audience.
Venue Information 2013
William Pitt Union
University of Pittsburgh
3959 Fifth Ave,
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
The venue can be located in the attached map below
The code for the William Pitt Union is WPU.
Street parking around the campus are available with parking fees on Friday and Saturday.
The street parking is free after 6 pm. Free parking space are available six blocks away from the venue.
A transportation unit will be provided upn request from the free parking space to the venue.
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Hal Yang Boleh Dan Tidak Boleh Dilakukan Dalam Wawancara
Kontributor: Randall S. Hansen, Ph.D. (18.07.2003 09:49)
Berikut sejumlah kunci untuk wawancara pekerjaan yang sukses. Ikuti peraturan sederhana ini dan dapatkan kesuksesan untuk tahapan penting dalam pencarian kerja Anda.
Tinjaulah lokasi wawancara Anda atau setidaknya anda harus tahu dengan pasti dimana tempatnya dan waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk mencapainya.
Cari tahu tipe wawancara seperti apa yang akan Anda alami. Lakukan persiapan dan latihan untuk wawancara namun jangan menghapal ataupun melatih jawaban.
Berpakaianlah sesuai dengan pekerjaan, perusahaan, bahkan industri dimana perusahan tersebut bergerak. Dan ada baiknya jika anda berpakaian konservatif.
Rencanakan untuk tiba kurang lebih sepuluh menit lebih awal. Ingatlah bahwa datang terlambat dalam suatu wawancara tidak dapat dimaafkan. Jika Anda sudah memperkirakan bahwa Anda akan terlambat, teleponlah perusahaan tersebut.
Bersikap sopan dan hormat kepada resepsionis dan asisten. Inilah kesempatan bagi Anda untuk membuat kesan pertama yang baik mengenai diri Anda.
Jangan menguyah permen karet selama wawancara.
Jika Anda harus mengisi suatu job application, isilah dengan rapi, lengkap dan akurat.
Bawalah resume ekstra untuk wawancara Anda, dan jika Anda memiliki portofolio, bawalah dalam wawancara.
Jangan hanya mengandalkan surat lamaran dan CV untuk menjual diri Anda. Tidak peduli sebagus apapun kualifikasi Anda, Anda tetap harus mampu ‘’menjual diri’’ Anda kepada pewawancara.
Sapalah pewawancara dengan kata Bapak/ Ibu, dan juga nama belakang mereka jika Anda tahu dengan pasti. Jika perlu, tanyakan pada resepsionis bagaimana pengucapannya.
Lakukan jabatan tangan yang kuat. Jangan menjabat dengan lemas atapun kaku.
Tunggulah sampai Anda ditawarkan untuk duduk. Perhatikan bahasa tubuh dan sikap anda, duduklah dengan tegak serta nampak siaga dan tertarik selama wawancara. Jangan bungkuk atau bahkan menampakkan sikap gelisah.
Jangan membuat lelucon selama wawancara.
Lakukan kontak mata yang baik dengan pewawancara.
Tunjukkan antusiasme
Anda terhadap posisi yang ditawarkan serta terhadap perusahaanJangan merokok meskipun
pewawancara melakukannya dan menawarkan kepada Anda. Juga jangan merokok sebelum wawancara karena nafas Anda akan berbau rokok. Pastikan bahwa Anda telah menyikat gigi, menggunakan mouthwash ataupun penyegar napas mint sebelum wawancara.
Hindari pengunaan bahasa yang tidak tepat, istilah “prokem”, serta kata-kata jeda (seperti “kayaknya”. “uh”, “eh’’).
Jangan berbicara dengan volume terlalu kecil. Suara yang cukup kuat akan menampakkan rasa percaya diri Anda.
Bersikaplah penuh percaya diri dan penuh energi namun jangan terlalu agresif.
Jangan bersikap seolah Anda akan menerima pekerjaan apapun ataupun putus asa dengan masa pengangguran Anda.
Hindari topik-topik kontroversial.
Jangan mengatakan sesuatu yang negatif mengenai kolega, supervisor ataupun perusahaan Anda sebelumnya.
Yakinlah bahwa pewawancara akan memberikan penilaian yang baik terhadap Anda berdasarkan pada fakta serta kesungguhan Anda.
Jangan berbohong. Jawablah setiap pertanyaan dengan jujur, terus-terang namun tetap ringkas. Jangan pernah melebih-lebihkan jawaban.
Tekankan pada pencapaian yang pernah Anda lakukan, jangan menceritakan informasi negatif mengenai diri Anda.
Jangan menjawab pertanyaan dengan jawaban simpel seperti Ya atau tidak. Jika mungkin, berikan penjelasan. Jelaskan segala sesuatu mengenai diri Anda yang menunjukkan bakat, keahlian serta kekuatan Anda. Juga berikan contohnya.
Tunjukkan penelitian/pengetahuan Anda terhadap perusahaan dan industri dimana perusahaan tersebut bergerak melalui jawaban –jawaban Anda.
Jangan mengarahkan pembicaraan pada masalah pribadi ataupun masalah keluarga.
Ingatlah bahwa saat wawancara merupakan saat penting bagi Anda untuk menilai pewawancara dan perusahaan yang ia wakili.
Jangan menanggapi pertanyaan yang tidak Anda harapkan dengan jeda yang lama ataupun jawaban seperti “wah, itu pertanyaan yang baik” . Tanyakan lagi pertanyaan yang kurang jelas atau mintalah pertanyaan untuk diulang yang akan memberikan waktu lebih untuk memikirkan jawabannya. Jeda sesaat sebelum menjawab juga merupakan hal yang wajar dan patut dilakukan.
Usahakan untuk memimpin diri Anda sendiri seolah-olah Anda ditentukan untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan yang sedang Anda bicarakan. Jangan pernah menutup pintu peluang sampai Anda yakin mengenainya.
Jangan menjawab telepon selama wawancara dan matikan atau silent-kan telepon selular/pager Anda.
Tunjukkan apa yang dapat Anda lakukan bagi perusahaan lebih dari apa yang dapat perusahaan lakukan bagi Anda.
Jangan menyingung mengenai gaji, liburan, bonus, pensiun, ataupun bentuk tunjangan lainnya sampai Andai menerima penawaran. Siapkan jawban atas pertanyaan berapa gaji yang Anda minta, namun cobalah untuk menunda pembicaraan mengenai gaji hingga anda menerima penawaran.
Ajukan pertanyaan yang cerdas mengenai pekerjaan, perusahaan dan industri. Jangan menganjukan pertanyaan lain karena hal itu akan mengesankan bahwa Anda sebetulnya kurang tertarik.
Tutuplah wawancara dengan memberitahukan kepada pewawancara bahwa Anda menginginkan pekerjaan tersebut dan tanyakan mengenai proses selanjutnya.
Cobalah untuk mendapatkan kartu nama dari setiap pewawancara atau paling tidak ejaan yang benar dari nama depan dan nama belakangnya. Jangan membuat asumsi sendiri mengenai nama-nama yang simpel, cari tahu bagaimana ejaan yang benar.
Segeralah mencatat setelah wawancara sehingga Anda tidak melupakan detil–detil yang penting.
Kirimkan surat ucapan terimakasih bagi pewawancara Anda selambat-lambatnya 24 jam setelah wawancara. Pastikan Anda memahami peraturan dalam mem-follow-up setelah proses wawancara.
Interview Skill
Learn about the company and its operation. You'll impress the interviewer if it is obvious you've done some research. It will also help you develop good answers to the interviewer's questions.
Information you should know about the company prior to your interview:
Organizational structure
Name of the interviewer
Divisions/departments that interest you
Areas they are eliminating
Training Programs
Size of company
Career paths
How long have they been in business
Types of clients
Growth in the past and future potential
Job description & job title
New products and services they are developing
Employee benefits
Geographic location of home office, branches, stores
Resources for this information:
Company's annual report
Literature produced by company
Information interview
Inside source
Professional journals (library)
Magazine articles
Peterson's Guides
Moody's Industrial Manual (library)
National Job Bank
National Trade and Professional Associations
Colorado High Tech Directory (library)
Dunn's Employment Opportunities Directory (library)
Standard & Poors Industry Survey(library)
The 100 Best Companies to Work For in America (library)
Walker's Manual of Western Corporations (library)
Ward's Directory of the 51,000 Largest U.S. Corporations (library)
Prepare answers to typical interview questions. Study and practice your answers.
Memorize the name of the person who will interview you .Nothing could be more embarrasing than forgetting their name or calling them by the wrong name!
Decide what you will wear. Check out the section titled "Interview Dressing" for some pointers. Be sure your outfit is ready to go.
Find out exactly where you are going, where to park, and how long it will take to get there If you are travelling in an unfamiliar city, it is a wise idea to do a dry run prior to your interview time. Drive to the business, park, find the escalator and time how long all this takes. This will alleviate any undue stress the day of the interview.
Get a good night's sleep
Arrive 15 minutes early .This not only shows that you are prompt it also gives you a chance to gain your composure. Be friendly to the receptionist/secretary....they often are asked their opinion!
Start it off like a winner. Offer your hand, and give a firm handshake, a pleasant smile and a positive confident attitude. Introduce yourself.
Be comfortable. Take a seat facing the interviewer, however, slightly off center. Be sure you are not facing into direct sunlight or some other uncomfortable situation.
Listen attentively. Look at the interviewer directly, but don't get into a stare down! Sit up straight. Try to relax. It's okay to take a few notes if the questions are lengthy, or you need to remind yourself of something you want to stress.
Avoid nervous mannerisms. Pay attention to nervous mannerisms you might have such as clicking your pen, jingling change in your pocket, twisting your hair, biting your nails. Control these impulses! Everyone is nervous to some extent, the key is to appear calm and collected.
Speak clearly. Use good grammar and a friendly tone. Never answer just "yes" or "no" to a question. Always clarify, expand on your answers. Be sure not to ramble on.
Be positive and enthusiastic. You want to outshine all other candidates so "turn it on" during the interview! No matter how sterling your credentials are, you won't be hired if the interviewer isn't sold. Pump up your enthusiasm prior to the interview. Never whine, gripe or complain about past employers, jobs, classes etc.
Ask pertinent questions. Be prepared to ask a few questions. Do not monopolize the interviewer's time, particularly if you know they have appointments scheduled following your interview. Do ask thoughtful questions. Don't ask about salary and benefits, this can be discussed when the company is definitely interested in you!
Here's a sampling of questions you might ask.
What are the company's greatest strengths?
In what areas it the company trying to improve?
Who will I report to?
Could you give some examples of projects I would be working on?
How much travel is involved?
Will relocation be required?
What kind of assignments could I expect in the first 6 months?
What products (or services or stores) are in the development stage?
Is this a new position or will I be replacing someone?
What is the largst single problem facing your company now?
What qualities are you looking for in a candidate?
What characteristics do successful employees in your company share?
Is there a lot of team work?
Describe the advancement opportunities.
What growth areas do you foresee?
Will I be encouraged to attend professional conferences?
Could you describe your training program?
How frequently are performance appraisals done?
How do you feel about the company?
Could you describe possible advancements within the company?
What is the next step in the interview process?
What is the company's management philosophy?
What would a typical day be like?
How much contact is there with management?
Is this job a result of increased growth or expansion?
Watch for cues the interview is over. Don't linger if you sense the interviewer is done interviewing you. When it is over, stand up, thank the interviewer for their time and shake hands firmly. Don't forget to express interest in being hired. Say you are impressed with the company and would like to work there.
Be sure to find out the next step. Ask the interviewer when the decision will be made, when you can expect to hear from them. This way you won't be left hanging.
The following are some typical concerns interviewers have, which you need to address when answering questions. Be sensitive to these concerns, answering all questions in the most positive way to build psychological leverage and position yourself for the offer.
Does the applicant have the ability to do the job?
Can he or she manage people?
How does he or she relate to people?
What kind of a person is this? A leader?
What strengths does he or she have that we need?
Why has there been a number of job changes?
In what areas is he or she weak? How will this affect performance?
What contribution has the applicant made?
What are his or her ambitions? Are they realistic?
Does she or he have growth potential?
How is the chemistry between us?
How will other interviewers react?
Should this person get an offer?
Say thanks. The next day write the interviewer a brief note reiterating your interest in the job. Spell his or her name correctly!
Follow up. If you haven't heard from the interviewer within the time frame indicated at the close of the interview, call them to relay a polite reminder that you're still interested in the job. Ask when they plan to make a hiring decision.
If you aren't hired... If you continue to be interested in the company, it pays to keep in touch with the interviewer. Often, through persistence, you may be offered a position at a later date.
Chin Up. Gear up for your next interview. After all the more interviews you tackle the more polished you become. You may want to contact the interviewer who rejected you and see if you can get any pointers on what to improve before your next interview.
Dress conservatively
Check out what management wears and dress similarly without overkill
Practice good grooming
Do have clean, neatly styled hair
Do have clean hands and trimmed nails
Do carry a portfolio or briefcase with extra copies of your resume
Do bring a clean notepad and pen that works
Do wear basic hosiery (no textured hose)
Do wear shoes you can walk easily in
Don't wear torn, soiled, wrinkled clothing
Don't dress casual
Don't wear a lot of jewelry (Men should avoid earrings)
Don't wear a lot of cologne
Don't wear athletic shoes
Don't eat spicey, offensive smelling foods prior to the interview
Don't wear sexy clothing
Don't wear "cutsey" ties (i.e. a flashing Mickey Mouse tie)
Don't chew gum or smoke
Don't wear a mini-skirt
Don't wear heavy make-up
Don't carry a purse AND a briefcase
You need someone who can produce results, and my background and experience are proof of my ability. For
) If asked a point blank question such as:
Are you creative? Are you analytical? Can you work under pressure? etc.
What is the best way to answer?b3) Tell me about yourself.
a) Outline personal data, hobbies, and interests.
b) Give an overview of your personality and work habits.
c) Give three specific examples of your personality traits and accomplishments.
4) What was your GPA? Why is it low?
a) My GPA is 2.8. basically because I had a lot of fun in college.
b) My GPA is 2.8 because I held a full time job while in college, working my way through school. It is not reflective of my ability to do the job.
c) My GPA is 2.8 which I don't think is too low, at least compared to my friends.
Question: What was your GPA? Why is it low?
a) Incorrect: This doesn't describe your skills and abilities and sounds like you had a bit too much fun in college.
b) This is the best answer. This shows you have given some thought to your college GPA and are aware of what influenced it outside of the classroom. The more involved and busy you were during college the more likely the employer will accept a lower GPA
c) Incorrect: This has a bitter sound to it. Perhaps you should set your standards higher. This answer doesn't show much motivation, sounds like you are willing to be average. Be careful to steer clear of negatives which will exclude you from consideration.
Go to question #5
5) What are you looking for in a position?
a) "I'm looking for an opportunity to apply my skills and contribute to the growth of the company while helping create some advancement opportunities for myself."
b) "I'm looking for an organization that will appreciate my contributions and reward my efforts."
c) "I'm looking for a position that will allow me to make enough money to support my lifestyle. I am a hard worker and will give a concerted effort to earn the money I need."
Question: What are you looking for in a position?
a) This is the best answer. This answer shows ambition, willingness to work for opportunity, and a desire to work for a dynamic organization. In this response you have energy and confidence.
b) Incorrect: This is a one-sided answer. The interviewer may perceive this as an unwillingness to give and work hard for the good of the organization.
c) Incorrect: It is alright to be money motivated to some degree, but be more subtle. Most interviewers are looking for people who are willing to work hard and get the job done. Such a concentration on financial rewards will not look good in most cases.
Go to question #6
6) What do you know about our organization?
a) "I've done a little homework and here is what I know about your organization...(cite examples)"
b) "Everything I've seen and heard makes me want to be a part of this organization. I understand your industry is ________ and your primary customer is __________. A particularly exciting part of your business appears to be _________ ."
c) "I know enough to know this is an exciting place to work. It appears to be fit for my career goals."
7) What is a weakness?
a) "I get really frustrated with my co-workers when they whine about everything."
b) "I don't 'toot my own horn'. I like to go in and get the job done and I don't dwell on who gets credit."
c) "I don't think I have a weakness."
Question: What is a weakness?
a) This is the best answer. This answer diplomatically states the importance of looking at someone's individual capabilities and determining if they apply to the open positions. It also identifies two critical skills applicable to almost any position.
b) Incorrect: It is good to be driven but not good to be one dimensional. Describing yourself as a "driven person" may say to the interviewer "this person runs over people and may focus completely on results and not on the appropriate tactics and developing people".
c) Incorrect: It is important to be compassionate to understand the value of people. It is also important to acknowledge the importance of the bottom line and getting results. Being one dimensional give too much of an opportunity to miss what the interviewer is looking for.
Go to question #8
8) How would you characterize your work style?
a) "I am a very driven person. I make a list of what needs to be done and then tackle the items until I've completed the job.
b) "I show up whenever I'm scheduled to work."
c) "I haven't held a job yet so I don't know what my work style will be."
Question: How would you characterize your work style?
a) Incorrect: Most people want a manager who is driven, but they also need to know that others can work with you. A bit of compassion is advisable.
b) Incorrect: Extreme dedication only to people may indicate a lack of toughness or willingness to focus on results when necessary. Some attention must be paid to the importance of the bottom line and making a profit.
c) This is the best answer. Really understanding people and working hard for results are important. This answer delicately balances the two with clear attention given to bottom line results.
Go to question #9
9) What are your strengths?
a) "I am good at giving constructive criticism to my coworkers. This honesty is something I'm very proud of and have found essential to having open working relationships."
b) "I consider myself to be very consistent. I have proven myself to be someone who can be counted upon to do what is expected."
c) "I would have to chose between two skills. I am very proud of my determination and ability to get things done. At the same time, I am very proud of my analytical abilities and problem solving skills. These skills combine to give me a unique ability to solve problems and then implement the solutions."
10) How would co-workers describe you?
a) "They perceive me as a leader. The people who have worked with me learned great deal and accomplished in many cases more than they thought possible."
b) "My employees would tell you they got direction when they needed and the room to work when it was appropriate. I believe a measure of a good manager is how much he is able to get done through others."
c) "They perceive me as someone who cared about t them personally and had high expectations. I get a great deal of satisfaction from helping others do their best. My former employees would highlight three of my priorities which are to build loyalty and a team environment, obtain results and develop people."
Question: What are your strengths?
a) Incorrect: While this answer may be true, it may also send a red flag saying you are critical of others. It would be much better to simply say (and give an example of) how well you work with others.
b) Incorrect: This answer is not a bad answer but it lacks energy and creativity. Consistency is good, but it has nothing to do with action and solving problems and could exclude you from consideration.
c) This is the best answer. This shows you have given some real thought to your strengths and highlights not only the skills you have, but also of what use they are to the employer.
Go to question #10
Question: How would co-workers describe you?
a) Incorrect: In most cases this is not the best response. It sounds as though you are a task master and rule with an iron hand
b) Incorrect: This is not the best answer in most cases. While this may be true it could give a signal that you do not get involved as a manager. This opinion could exclude you if the interviewer does not agree with you.
c) This is the best answer. This answer depicts a manager who cares about people but is keenly focused on productivity. This answer give clear examples of important aspects of one management style which is largely accepted.
Go to question #11
11) What did you like and dislike about college?
a) "I didn't like the tremendous about of homework some professors assigned us. I liked those professors who realized I had a life outside of class."
b) "I liked the opportunity to be involved on campus. It was a small campus that allowed students to take responsibility, organize events and be a part of the planning team. I can't really think of anything I disliked, college was a wonderful experience."
c) "I liked having Wednesdays off. I think the thing I disliked most was living in the dorms."
Question: What did you like and dislike about college?
a) Incorrect: This sounds as though you are opposed to hard work and are looking for the easy way out.
b) This is the best answer. It is positive, demonstrates your ability to juggle several things at once and shows your commitment to get involved.
c) Incorrect. You may sound like you can't get along with others living in the dorm and that a 5-day a week job could overwhelm you.
Go to question #12
12) Are you willing to relocate?
a) "No."
b) "I'm open to opportunities within the company so if that involves relocation I would consider it."
c) "I'd move, but I know your headquarters is in Alaska and that's too cold for me."
Question: Are you willing to relocate?
a) Incorrect: This answer portrays youth and inexperience and will ensure you don't get a job if it requires relocation.
b) This is the best answer. It leaves the options open without making a definite decision.
c) Incorrect: This answer is deadly. It definitely closes the door to any opportunities with this company.
Go to question #13
13) What are your short term goals?
a) "Short term, I just want a job."
b) "Bills are beginning to pile up. In the short run I need to find work so I can keep up with my obligations."
c) "Short-term, I'd like to find a position that is a good fit and where I can contribute to a company's bottom line. The position we are here to discuss today would appear to be such an opportunity. Could you tell me more about it?"
Question: Where do you want to be in 5 years?
a) Incorrect: This answer might be true but it could very easily threaten the interviewer.
b) This is the best answer: This answer suggests both a desire to move up and an understanding that the exact pace of movement is subject to many factors. Reassuring the interviewer of a desire to stay with a company is always a good idea.
c) Incorrect: This answer might also be true--but it says that you intend to learn on the job and then become a potential competitor. Few interviewers would look forward to training their competitor!
Go to question #15
Question: Before we go any further, what kind of money do you need to make?
a) Incorrect. It is acceptable to be money motivated to some degree, but be more subtle. Most interviewers are looking for people who are willing to work hard and get the job done. Such a concentration on financial rewards will not look good in most cases.
b) This is the best answer. It shows a willingness to work with the organization to determine a fair salary. If you have done your homework you know about how much that would be annually.
c) Incorrect:This is a one-sided answer. The interviewer may perceive this as an unwillingness to give and work hard for the good of the organization.
14) Where do you want to be in 5 years?
a) "I haven't really thought that far ahead but I think I'd want your job."
b) "If selected I would hope to meet my goals and take advantage of opportunities to learn so I will be considered for other positions within the company. I hope to build my career with a company such as this one."
c) "Long term, I hope to start my own business."
15) Describe a situation you've encountered with a difficult customer.
a) "In my last job I dealt with customers at a retail store. One customer wanted to return an item she had obviously bought several years ago, which was against store policy. I talked to her calmly and explained our policies and encouraged her to shop and I would exchange the item however I could not give a refund.".
b) "I rarely encounter a difficult customer because of my excellent customer service."
c) "I had a customer once who claimed her steak was not cooked correctly....I picked up a knife and cut it open and explained that's the way it's supposed to be."
16) Before we go any further, what kind of money do you need to make?
a) "I feel I am worth at least $30,000."
b) "My salary requirements are negotiable. Your firm has a reputation of compensating employees fairly and I trust you would do the same in my case. I am very interested in finding the right opportunity and will be open to any fair offer when I do so."
c) "Money is not very important to me. I need to be able to pay the bills but the work environment is far more important to me."
a) Answer yes or no.
b) Answer yes and give a specific example.
c) Answer yes and give an explanation.
Tell me about yourself and your background.
(Number one question asked by employers).
I was born and raised in Los Angeles, I have two sisters and one brother. I had a normal upbringing - lots of family interaction. I went to grammar school and high school in Los Angeles, but went to college in Arizona. I have always been interested in sports and I especially like baseball. I got married and had two children, and they are now growing up and I am ready for a more challenging position. I have always been good at math and always wanted to learn more about computers.
I have worked all my adult life and I've held all kinds of jobs at various companies. I am a hard worker. I am looking for a growth-oriented company where I can utilize my abilities and experience and can continue to learn new things be challenged.
For the past six years I have been in the electronics industry working on computer systems. Two years ago I was promoted to lead technician and currently supervise tour testers and technicians. My strength is problem solving. I work well independently or as a member of a team. I have worked in fast paced environments most of my life, and am very goal-oriented and deadline driven. I am looking for a position as a lead or coach where I can effectively work with a team to bring in results that contribute to the bigger picture or bottom line.
You mentioned you work well with a team, can you describe a situation when you had to gain cooperation from a team.
A few months ago I worked on a team project that was really running behind schedule. The first thing I did was get everyone together to discuss the problem and what was happening and why. I made sure that everyone on the team had a chance to contribute to the discussion. I was surprised at the insights offered by even the quietest members of the team. We then came up with some new ways of approaching the project and scheduled. I set up a system so that each person could track his or her own progress - through data entry and frequent check-ins. It seemed to make a a big difference when each person felt like he or she was making a contribution to a bigger project. Within a week the improvement was very noticeable. We not only improved on the schedules for the project, but we formed a much tighter unit and process for future projects.
What has been the most difficult technical skill for you to learn?
I haven't really had any problems learning programs. I usually just hack my way through. I mostly learn through trial and error. I think thatÕs the best way to learn anything - kind of hands-on.
This answer might indicate you are a computer genius - or a person who isn't very together - depending on your expertise. The answer gives the impression you hacked your way through the process. What about other processes and projects - would they be handled in the same manner? It could give the impression that you approach life in a haphazard way. For some jobs that may be all right , but not for many.
Do you have any questions for me?
(usually asked by the Interviewer at the end of the interview)
I'd like to know what the company's philosophy is toward its employees. What are this organization's challenges, problems, opportunities? Is there a five-year plan in place? Does the position have a job description? What do you see as the future growth for the company over the next five years? What do you think are the important qualities necessary for this job?
This is the strongest answer to this question (maybe not all the those questions at once, but as appropriate). This type of answer shows an interest in the future of the company - not just "What's in it for me?" If you do get a job offer with this company you want to know about the overall environment and future of the company. You might be spending a good deal of your life here. This is the time to find out some information so that you can listen for a fit against your expectations and goals and it's a great lead-in for you to let them know you have the desired qualities.
Tell me about a time when you had to sacrifice quality in order to meet a deadline? How did that make you feel?
Sometime you just can't get everything done. I do my best, but sometimes you just have to let go and be a little late with things. I always try to get all my work done by deadlines, but sometimes interruptions and priorities get in the way. I don't get upset, it's just the nature of the job.
While this answer is true - "you can't always get everything done", it doesn't demonstrate a lot of strength in controlling your time. Dealing with interruptions and priorities is part of the judgment you use in day-to-day situations. It would be better if you thought of a specific example when you were able to focus on a deadline where you had to prioritize your commitment to a project. By relating past behaviors you give concrete examples regarding your work style - if you did it somewhere else - you can do it here.
1. Tell me about you!
Keep your answer to one or two minutes; don't ramble. Use your resume summary as a base to start.
2. What do you know about our company?
Do your homework before the interview! Spend some time online or at the library researching the company. Find out as much as you can, including products, size, income, reputation, image, management talent, people, skills, history and philosophy. Project an informed interest; let the interviewer tell you about the company.
3. Why do you want to work for us?
Don't talk about what you want; first, talk about their needs: You would like to be part of a specific company project; you would like to solve a company problem; you can make a definite contribution to specific company goals.
4. What would you do for us? What can you do for us that someone else can't?
Relate past experiences that show you've had success in solving previous employer problem(s) that may be similar to those of the prospective employer.
5. What about the job offered do you find the most attractive? Least attractive?
List three or more attractive factors and only one minor unattractive factor.
6. Why should we hire you?
Because of your knowledge, experience, abilities and skills.
7. What do you look for in a job?
An opportunity to use your skills, to perform and be recognized.
8. Please give me your definition of a .... (the position for which you are being interviewed).
Keep it brief -- give an action- and results-oriented definition.
9. How long would it take you to make a meaningful contribution to our firm?
Not long at all -- you expect only a brief period of adjustment to the learning curve.
10. How long would you stay with us?
As long as we both feel I'm contributing, achieving, growing, etc.
Job Interview Questions - Questioning Techniques
The way you approach and open the interview is important to its overall success. The types of questions you ask and the way you ask them are of prime importance. There are two types of questions.
Non directive
Both can be used effectively in the interview.
Directive Questions
A directive question leads the applicant onto making a specific response by limiting him to a choice of a yes or no answer.
"Do you prefer early morning or late afternoon schedules?"
"Did you hear about us through an employment agency?"
Directive questions can often be effective in gaining precise answers or exact information, but, because they limit the applicant to a choice or yes or no answer, they often discourage free response and result in very little information. Questions that provide for little information are generally those that can be answered in one or two words. A definite answer will be offered, but the applicant probably will volunteer any additional information.
Also, the applicant may give the answer he thinks you are looking for, Poorly phrased questions may actually give away the answer. Give away questions are those which tell the applicant the answer the interviewer thinks he should give.
Non directive Questions
Non directional questions allow the applicant to respond freely without being forced to make a choice or respond with a yes or no answer.
"What type of work schedule do you prefer?"
"How did you happen to hear about our company?"
They may be used to direct the conversation to an area of the interviewer's interest, but do not control the applicants response. The applicant is free to express his thoughts without being forced to make a choice, or respond with a yes or no. Non directive questions are prefixed by the following:
Have as much privacy as possible
Call applicant by name when calling him into the office
Ensure the applicant knows your name
Greet applicant courteously and sincerely
Make the applicant feel that you are pleased with his interest in the position
Establish an informal but business like atmosphere
Make the applicant feel important
Talk to the applicant as though you were the only contact he would ever have with the company
Compliment a good employment record
Interrupt the conversation to keep interview on track
Use active listening
Relax and the applicant will relax
Keep information given, confidential
Remember the applicant's time is valuable
Investigate applicant's work record / performance thoroughly
Watch for gaps in work record
Check job records and references
Use application blanks and other data in planning the interview
Make an outline in advance, of the main items of information you want to obtain during the interview
Plan the time required for the interview
Interview when worried, upset, ill or under stress
Hold an interview in a noisy place
Keep applicants waiting unnecessarily
Give the impression of being abrupt or harsh
Allow outside interruptions
Seek information you already have
Antagonize the applicant
Show emotion at any physical handicap
Hurt the applicant's feelings or destroy his faith in himself
Forget applicant is sensitive to every word the interviewer speaks
Appear to lose interest in the interview
Dominate the interview
Pry into personal lives
Break or delay an appointment
Fall into a set pattern of interviewing
Waste time on a long interview if the applicant is clearly not suitable
Conduct the interview in a haphazard manner
Opening the Interview
Open the interview with handshake and clear introduction
Smile and be pleasant
Open the interview with some topic of common interest
Create atmosphere in which the applicant feels confident and at ease
Flounder for a cue when opening the conversation
Appear ill at ease
Give an impression of being harried or brusque
Obtaining Information and Assisting Applicant
Give the interview time to think
Give the applicant time to answer one question before asking another
Stimulate applicant to do most of the talking
Encourage applicant to talk about his work experiences
Try to bring out attitudes, experience capacities and opinions
Illicit facts about abilities, interests, health and motivation
Use simple why, what, where, and how questions
Make the interviewee speak up to you
Use trick questions
Cross examine
Crowd applicant for answers
Ask 'yes' or 'no' questions unless necessary
Phrase questions to indicate desired answers
Let interview wander
Giving the Interviewee Information
Know and give information on job requirements
Talk about your division, products and services
Answer all questions
Talk in lay terms
Provide sufficient information in order for the applicant to give a considered decision
Explain opportunities for advancement
Oversell the job
Talk too much
Sell the job to the applicant
Use jargon
Knowingly misrepresent the facts
Offer unsolicited advice
Tell the applicant your troubles or your successes
Commit yourself as to religion, politics or other beliefs
Encourage unsuitable applicants to fit into the organization
Observing the Interviewee
Carefully note appearance, attitude, impressions, ability, knowledge
Watch every action, word and pause with respect to the position
Watch voice inflection, facial expression, posture, gestures, eyes and general behavior to supplement the spoken word
Appraise temperament and qualifications in terms of success on the job
Be thorough in your explanation of the duties of the job, then ask the applicant if he is interested and capable. Watch the reaction.
Hire applicants for jobs where their limitations would not suit
Make the applicant self conscious by being too intent in observation
Be ostentatious in recording observations or information obtained
Evaluating the Interviewee
Keep the job in mind during the interview
Keep the applicants future potential in mind
Be objective
Remember, it is better to make a mistake and not hire a good applicant than to be in doubt and hire a bad one
Have a reliable grading system and grade the applicant
Look at yourself - are you a credit to your company
Hire merely because there is not a suitable applicant
Buy a hard luck story
Be influenced to overlook an applicants shortcomings
Make decision until you have grounds
Hire applicants whose past work history lacks creditability
Commit yourself to employ the applicant until you have covered every phase in the applicant's background
Accept previous experience as an absolute guarantee of ability
Closing the Interview
Close the interview in a friendly constructive manner
Ask the applicant if he has any further questions
Fail to tell the applicant if you plan to hire someone else
Offer excuses or put blame for not hiring upon another department or individual
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