MRP basically is just Planning Process define. with good biz process define for MRP. System need to be customized as per biz process define. System will be a TOOL for management to control all the biz process going well. yes not order things for us. But can be a lot of automated process done for approval. and etc. and for this process going well, we should have a auditor to make sure all the process done. Talk always easier than implement. The management need to give full support if they really want to change.
Without MRP, Manufacturing Company can work. But not efficient. a lot of problem will occur along the way. and point to take note also when old guy out, and new guy in.
Every Manufacturing some will have same MRP biz process and some need more improvement based on its need.
Those things will be investment for Company to grow better and efficient.
MRP never old. it's the process that should be improved and make more adjustment based on the biz needed.
We'll never rely on software. Software just a tool to help ppl for better work and more efficiency, Old System if cannot support need to change to new system.
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