Job Duties and Tasks for: "Industrial Engineer"
Apply statistical methods and perform mathematical calculations to determine manufacturing processes, staff requirements, and production standards.
Coordinate quality control objectives and activities to resolve production problems, maximize product reliability, and minimize cost.
Confer with vendors, staff, and management personnel regarding purchases, procedures, product specifications, manufacturing capabilities, and project status.
Draft and design layout of equipment, materials, and workspace to illustrate maximum efficiency, using drafting tools and computer.
Review production schedules, engineering specifications, orders, and related information to obtain knowledge of manufacturing methods, procedures, and activities.
Communicate with management and user personnel to develop production and design standards.
Estimate production cost and effect of product design changes for management review, action, and control.
Formulate sampling procedures and designs and develop forms and instructions for recording, evaluating, and reporting quality and reliability data.
Record or oversee recording of information to ensure currency of engineering drawings and documentation of production problems.
Study operations sequence, material flow, functional statements, organization charts, and project information to determine worker functions and responsibilities.
Direct workers engaged in product measurement, inspection, and testing activities to ensure quality control and reliability.
Implement methods and procedures for disposition of discrepant material and defective or damaged parts, and assess cost and responsibility.
Evaluate precision and accuracy of production and testing equipment and engineering drawings to formulate corrective action plan.
Analyze statistical data and product specifications to determine standards and establish quality and reliability objectives of finished product.
Develop manufacturing methods, labor utilization standards, and cost analysis systems to promote efficient staff and facility utilization.
Recommend methods for improving utilization of personnel, material, and utilities.
Plan and establish sequence of operations to fabricate and assemble parts or products and to promote efficient utilization.
Complete production reports, purchase orders, and material, tool, and equipment lists.
Schedule deliveries based on production forecasts, material substitutions, storage and handling facilities, and maintenance requirements.
Regulate and alter workflow schedules according to established manufacturing sequences and lead times to expedite production operations.
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