APICS CSCP Eligibility Requirements
To be eligible to register for the APICS CSCP exam, an individual must meet one of the following criteria:
• CPIM, CFPIM, CIRM, or C.P.M. designation plus two years of related business experience*, or
• Bachelor's degree or equivalent** plus two years of related business experience, or
• Five years of related business experience*
*Related business experience: APICS defines "related business experience" as work that is directly connected
to some aspect of the supply chain. This can include raw materials extraction, transportation and logistics,
procurement, manufacturing, warehousing, distribution, retail, customer service, software design and support,
and other areas that directly affect the supply chain. Workers who operate transportation or materials moving
equipment or machines or processing equipment that require an intermediate level of training would qualify.
Managers, officials, professionals, technicians, sales personnel, quality and quality control personnel, and skilled
craft workers will generally be considered eligible.
Examples of work experience that would not qualify include clerical and administrative support positions such as
data entry, duplicating machine operator, file clerks, office machine operators, secretaries, telephone operators,
order clerks and/or unsilled labor positions where the duties require little or no independent judgment or
specialized training.
**Equivalent of a bachelor's degree: APICS defines the equivalent of a bachelor's degree as the level of study that
would qualify an individual for a graduate program in the country where the undergraduate degree was earned.
Application Process
APICS will review all applications and candidates will be notified within two weeks. Candidates whose applications
are approved will receive notice of authorization to test. Candidates whose applications are not approved will
receive notice that they are not eligible to test and information on why their applications were denied.
• You must provide an e-mail address. The e-mail address you enter on the application will be used
for APICS CSCP application correspondence from APICS.
• Do not submit supporting documentation to substantiate education or professional work experience.
• Be sure to keep a photocopy of your application.
• Please print clearly in block lettering. APICS may not be able to process your application if your
information is not legible.
• Applications must be signed and dated.
• APICS will not be able to confirm receipt of applications. Candidates will receive written notification
of their application status within two weeks of receipt.
• If you do not know your APICS Member/Customer ID Number, please contact APICS Customer
Support at (800) 444-2742 or (773) 867-1778 or send an e-mail to service@apics.org.
• Call APICS Customer Support at (800) 444-2742 or (773) 867-1778 or send an e-mail to cscpexam@apics.org
if you have questions about applying for the APICS CSCP exam.
Return completed application to
CSCP Application
8430 West Bryn Mawr Avenue
Suite 1000
Chicago, IL 60631
Fax: (773) 639-3171
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Supply Chain Management,
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