Sunday, February 5, 2012
Strategic Plan and Deployment (Hoshin Kanri)
Hoshin Kanri atau disebut juga sebagai "Perencanaan dan Penyebarluasan Strategik (Strategic Plan and Deployment) atau Hoshin Planning" merupakan suatu metodologi pendekatan sistem manajemen yang dilakukan secara bertahap mulai dari perencanaan, implementasi, dan peninjauan-ulang (review) terhadap sistem manajemen (BSC, MBCfPE, Lean Six Sigma, TQM, dll) yang diadopsi untuk meningkatkan kinerja suatu organisasi, baik bisnis maupun pemerintahan.
Sesungguhnya prinsip-prinsip dasar dari Hoshin Kanri adalah serupa dengan "Sistem Manajemen Strategik Lingkup Perusahaan (Company-wide Strategic Management System)".
Setiap sistem manajemen (BSC, MBCfPE, Lean Six Sigma, TQM, dll) selalu memiliki sasaran strategik (strategic goals), ukuran-ukuran kinerja kunci (key performance indicators—KPIs), beserta target-target kinerja yang ingin dicapai pada waktu tertentu. Hoshin Kanri memberikan suatu kerangka kerja untuk perencanaan strategik beserta penyebarluasan sasaran-sasaran strategik itu ke seluruh organisasi agar sasaran-sasaran strategik beserta target-target kinerja yang telah ditetapkan dapat tercapai.
Siklus Shewart/Deming (PDCA—Plan, Do, Check, Act) dapat digunakan sebagai metodologi untuk melaksanakan Hoshin Kanri terhadap sistem manajemen yang diadopsi (BSC, MCfPE, Lean Six Sigma, TQM, dll).
PDCA dalam Hoshin Kanri menggunakan 7 (tujuh) langkah berikut:
1. Menetapkan Visi, Misi, dan Nilai-nilai (Values) Organisasi
2. Melakukan perencanaan strategik, melalui menetapkan sasaran-sasaran strategik (strategic goals) dalam jangka waktu 3-5 tahun
3. Menetapkan tujuan-tujuan tahunan (annual objectives) beserta program-program peningkatan kinerja—PPK atau performance improvement programs—PIP yang menunjang sasaran-sasaran strategik 3-5 tahun dalam poin 2 di atas
4. Menyebarluaskan PPK atau PIP beserta tujuan-tujuan tahunan yang telah dirumuskan dalam poin 3 di atas
DO (D):
5. Melaksanakan PPK atau PIP sesuai dengan poin 4 di atas
6. Melakukan evaluasi secara berkala per periode waktu (harian, mingguan, bulanan, triwulan, semester, dan tahunan) untuk mengetahui apakah tujuan-tujuan tahunan dalam poin 3 di atas telah tercapai? Jika tidak mencapai target, maka faktor-faktor apa yang menjadi akar penyebab (root causes) sehingga target-target kinerja yang telah ditetapkan itu tidak tercapai?
ACT (A):
7. Bertindak untuk menghilangkan faktor-faktor yang menjadi akar-akar penyebab masalah, apabila tujuan-tujuan tahunan dalam poin 3 di atas tidak tercapai. Jika tujuan-tujuan tahunan dalam poin 3 di atas tercapai, maka tindakan yang dilakukan adalah menstandardisasikan praktek-praktek terbaik yang telah dilakukan, agar mencapai sasaran-sasaran strategik 3-5 tahun yang telah dirumuskan dalam poin 2 di atas.
Jika tujuh langkah dalam siklus PDCA di atas telah dilakukan, maka berarti kita telah melakukan Hoshin Kanri terhadap sistem manajemen yang diterapkan (BSC, MBCfPE, Lean Six Sigma, TQM, dll).
Langkah-langkah di atas merupakan langkah-langkah sistematik, sehingga program-program peningkatan kinerja yang diterapkan merupakan program-program peningkatan kinerja sistematik (systematic improvement programs).
Jika tidak melakukan Hoshin Kanri terhadap sistem-sistem manajemen, maka kita hanya melakukan peningkatan kinerja acak (random improvement), sehingga dapat menimbulkan frustrasi bagi manajemen dan karyawan karena meskipun ada puluhan atau ratusan PPK (program peningkatan kinerja) atau PIP (performance improvement programs) yang dilakukan, tetapi tidak mencapai sasaran strategik yang diinginkan.
Vincent Gaspersz
The Value of CPIM Certification
Professional networking
by Laura Lee Winger
The Certified in Production and Inventory Management designation,
certified by APICS The Association for Operations Management, is a
recognized certification in many manufacturing and supply
chain-related industries in America and worldwide. CPIM, as it is most
often referred to as, is required or desired on many job applications
for positions in planning, buying, materials management, logistics and
the like. For people interested in this field, it may be of greater
value than you think.
First and foremost, as alluded to, CPIM is a strength to have on your
resume. Even if you are applying to positions that do not require it,
having such a certification shows that you go above and beyond your
prior education, and indicates that you are bright and ambitious.
APICS exams are not easy, and passing them is a great accomplishment.
Five exams are currently required to earn a CPIM designation, so it
takes quite a bit of time, energy and effort, and this is widely
recognized by employers.
Second, a CPIM indicates credibility. As a working professional who
has earned the designation, you can append your name with CPIM, and
that alone can draw attention to you and make you appear to be an
authority on the subject. This is especially important within the
APICS organization, as most officers have at least one certification.
CPIM is by far the most common APICS certification and considered the
cornerstone of APICS. Outside of the organization, supply chain
managers and professionals often see APICS as strong background, and
may come to a CPIM for advice on a variety of topics.
Third, think continuing education. Many people go for their CPIM years
after graduating college, if they went to college at all. A CPIM
usually takes about a year to complete, but can be done as quickly as
you are able to take the five exams. Many people study for the exams
and either take online or in-person classes to prepare for the exams.
The classes cover the materials in-depth, and are a great source of
education on a broad range of topics within the supply chain field.
Taking such classes looks good to your employer, who may even pay for
some or all of it.
Fourth, and perhaps less significantly, CPIM is the basis of another
APICS certification, CSCP, or Certified Supply Chain Professional.
CPIM covers the inner workings of supply chain organizations, while
CSCP broadens the scope to the whole chain of supply, womb to tomb as
they say.
Finally, I will let you in on a less-recognized benefit. Most people
don't realize that CPIM and CSCP certifications are a virtual shortcut
to gaining valuable teaching, speaking and training experience. Many
local APICS chapters hold their own classes, and they need instructors
to lead those classes. When I first heard of this opportunity, I
assumed it was a great volunteer activity that would help me develop
my skills in public speaking and presenting. Little did I know how
much fun I'd have, or that I'd get paid for it! For a person as early
in their career as I was when I first started, the additional income
was substantial, and in the process I had the perfect audience to work
on my presentation styles and teaching skills.
So what is the value of a CPIM certification from APICS? Well, it's a
great resume builder, it gives you credibility and continued education
which your company will like, it sets the groundwork for the CSCP and
it puts you on the fast track to a paid teaching position if you
choose to pursue that route.
by Laura Lee Winger
The Certified in Production and Inventory Management designation,
certified by APICS The Association for Operations Management, is a
recognized certification in many manufacturing and supply
chain-related industries in America and worldwide. CPIM, as it is most
often referred to as, is required or desired on many job applications
for positions in planning, buying, materials management, logistics and
the like. For people interested in this field, it may be of greater
value than you think.
First and foremost, as alluded to, CPIM is a strength to have on your
resume. Even if you are applying to positions that do not require it,
having such a certification shows that you go above and beyond your
prior education, and indicates that you are bright and ambitious.
APICS exams are not easy, and passing them is a great accomplishment.
Five exams are currently required to earn a CPIM designation, so it
takes quite a bit of time, energy and effort, and this is widely
recognized by employers.
Second, a CPIM indicates credibility. As a working professional who
has earned the designation, you can append your name with CPIM, and
that alone can draw attention to you and make you appear to be an
authority on the subject. This is especially important within the
APICS organization, as most officers have at least one certification.
CPIM is by far the most common APICS certification and considered the
cornerstone of APICS. Outside of the organization, supply chain
managers and professionals often see APICS as strong background, and
may come to a CPIM for advice on a variety of topics.
Third, think continuing education. Many people go for their CPIM years
after graduating college, if they went to college at all. A CPIM
usually takes about a year to complete, but can be done as quickly as
you are able to take the five exams. Many people study for the exams
and either take online or in-person classes to prepare for the exams.
The classes cover the materials in-depth, and are a great source of
education on a broad range of topics within the supply chain field.
Taking such classes looks good to your employer, who may even pay for
some or all of it.
Fourth, and perhaps less significantly, CPIM is the basis of another
APICS certification, CSCP, or Certified Supply Chain Professional.
CPIM covers the inner workings of supply chain organizations, while
CSCP broadens the scope to the whole chain of supply, womb to tomb as
they say.
Finally, I will let you in on a less-recognized benefit. Most people
don't realize that CPIM and CSCP certifications are a virtual shortcut
to gaining valuable teaching, speaking and training experience. Many
local APICS chapters hold their own classes, and they need instructors
to lead those classes. When I first heard of this opportunity, I
assumed it was a great volunteer activity that would help me develop
my skills in public speaking and presenting. Little did I know how
much fun I'd have, or that I'd get paid for it! For a person as early
in their career as I was when I first started, the additional income
was substantial, and in the process I had the perfect audience to work
on my presentation styles and teaching skills.
So what is the value of a CPIM certification from APICS? Well, it's a
great resume builder, it gives you credibility and continued education
which your company will like, it sets the groundwork for the CSCP and
it puts you on the fast track to a paid teaching position if you
choose to pursue that route.
Keselamatan Kerja Remaja USA
Bagaimana kondisi keselamatan kerja para remaja di negeri Paman Sam ?.
Sebagaimana dkutip dari web American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE), sekita 80 % remaja bekerja sambil bersekolah di SMA dan lebih banyak lagi mereka yang bekerja paruh waktu dimusin liburan. Data dari The Bureau of Labor Statistics tahun 2004 menujukkan bahwa lebih dari 38.000 pekerja remaja mengalamai kecelakaan kerja dan 134 orang diantaranya menderita luka yang serius. Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa walaupun para remaja hanya bekerja sambilan, tetapi tidak luput dari potensi timbulnya kecelakaan kerja. Remaja remaja di Amerika yang berusia 15 sampai 17 tahun bekerja sambilan dI bidang penyajian dan pelayanan makanan, menangani barang barang perusahaan, membantu pekerjaan administartif, serta pekerjaan di sektor pertanian dan perikanan. Akibat dari kecelakan kerja yang sering timbul diantaranya adalah keseleo, memar, lecet, kejang/ syaraf tegang, dan patah tulang
Remaja di Amerika yang bekerja sambilan, dihimbau untuk tetap memperhatikan kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja selama mereka bekerja dan sebaiknya mengikuti Safety Induction sebelum mulai bekerja.
Berikut ini adalah contoh Quiz IQ Safety untuk remaja dalam mengukur tingkat pemahaman mereka akan kesehatan dan keselamatan selama bekerja.
1. Kecelakaan kerja apa yang sering terjadi pada pekerja yang berusia di bawah 18 tahun?
A. Terbakar
B. Tersayat
C. Keseleo
D. Terpapar Asap
2. Jenis potensi bahaya apa yang bisa menimpa remaja saat bekerja?
A. Tersandung dan terjatuh
B. Ketegangan mata
C. Suara yang bising
D. Semua jawaban diatas benar
3. Berdasarkan hukum yang berlaku, perusahaan tempatmu bekerja harus memenuhi hal hal berikut ini, kecuali:
A. Alat Pelindung Diri termasuk pakaian pelindung saat bekerja
B. Transportasi dari tempat kerja terutama saat waktu sudah larut malam
C. Penggantian biaya pengobatan jika kamu terluka saat bekerja
D. Pelatihan keselamatan kerja
4. Pada jam sekolah, seorang remaja berusia 15 tahun hanya diizinkan bekerja selama…..jam dalam satu hari
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
5. Pekerjaan apa yang legal dan tidak melanggar hukum bagi remaja berusia 16 tahun?
A. Mengopersikan mesi pemotonga daging
B. Mengendarai forklift di gudang
C. Menjaga meja di restauran
D. Ikut serta dalam pekerjaan penghancuran di area pekerjaan konstruksi
Tahukan para pekerja remaja bahwa:
* Kecelakaan yang sering terjadi pada pekerja remaja saat pertama kali bekerja adalah keseleo dan ketegangan otot
* Kelelahan karena aktivitas kerja dan sekolah berperan sebaai penyebab terjadinya kecelakan di tempat kerja
* Hampir 70% dari remaja berusia 14 sampai 16 tahun mengalamai kecelakaan di tempat kerja, sekolah,dan aktivitas lainya
* Satu per tiga dari kecelakaan kerja fatal pada remaja terjadi di area bisnis keluarga seperti pertanian.
Salam safety
(Silahkan membagikan ar
APICS CSCP Eligibility Requirements
To be eligible to register for the APICS CSCP exam, an individual must meet one of the following criteria:
• CPIM, CFPIM, CIRM, or C.P.M. designation plus two years of related business experience*, or
• Bachelor's degree or equivalent** plus two years of related business experience, or
• Five years of related business experience*
*Related business experience: APICS defines "related business experience" as work that is directly connected
to some aspect of the supply chain. This can include raw materials extraction, transportation and logistics,
procurement, manufacturing, warehousing, distribution, retail, customer service, software design and support,
and other areas that directly affect the supply chain. Workers who operate transportation or materials moving
equipment or machines or processing equipment that require an intermediate level of training would qualify.
Managers, officials, professionals, technicians, sales personnel, quality and quality control personnel, and skilled
craft workers will generally be considered eligible.
Examples of work experience that would not qualify include clerical and administrative support positions such as
data entry, duplicating machine operator, file clerks, office machine operators, secretaries, telephone operators,
order clerks and/or unsilled labor positions where the duties require little or no independent judgment or
specialized training.
**Equivalent of a bachelor's degree: APICS defines the equivalent of a bachelor's degree as the level of study that
would qualify an individual for a graduate program in the country where the undergraduate degree was earned.
Application Process
APICS will review all applications and candidates will be notified within two weeks. Candidates whose applications
are approved will receive notice of authorization to test. Candidates whose applications are not approved will
receive notice that they are not eligible to test and information on why their applications were denied.
• You must provide an e-mail address. The e-mail address you enter on the application will be used
for APICS CSCP application correspondence from APICS.
• Do not submit supporting documentation to substantiate education or professional work experience.
• Be sure to keep a photocopy of your application.
• Please print clearly in block lettering. APICS may not be able to process your application if your
information is not legible.
• Applications must be signed and dated.
• APICS will not be able to confirm receipt of applications. Candidates will receive written notification
of their application status within two weeks of receipt.
• If you do not know your APICS Member/Customer ID Number, please contact APICS Customer
Support at (800) 444-2742 or (773) 867-1778 or send an e-mail to
• Call APICS Customer Support at (800) 444-2742 or (773) 867-1778 or send an e-mail to
if you have questions about applying for the APICS CSCP exam.
Return completed application to
CSCP Application
8430 West Bryn Mawr Avenue
Suite 1000
Chicago, IL 60631
Fax: (773) 639-3171
To be eligible to register for the APICS CSCP exam, an individual must meet one of the following criteria:
• CPIM, CFPIM, CIRM, or C.P.M. designation plus two years of related business experience*, or
• Bachelor's degree or equivalent** plus two years of related business experience, or
• Five years of related business experience*
*Related business experience: APICS defines "related business experience" as work that is directly connected
to some aspect of the supply chain. This can include raw materials extraction, transportation and logistics,
procurement, manufacturing, warehousing, distribution, retail, customer service, software design and support,
and other areas that directly affect the supply chain. Workers who operate transportation or materials moving
equipment or machines or processing equipment that require an intermediate level of training would qualify.
Managers, officials, professionals, technicians, sales personnel, quality and quality control personnel, and skilled
craft workers will generally be considered eligible.
Examples of work experience that would not qualify include clerical and administrative support positions such as
data entry, duplicating machine operator, file clerks, office machine operators, secretaries, telephone operators,
order clerks and/or unsilled labor positions where the duties require little or no independent judgment or
specialized training.
**Equivalent of a bachelor's degree: APICS defines the equivalent of a bachelor's degree as the level of study that
would qualify an individual for a graduate program in the country where the undergraduate degree was earned.
Application Process
APICS will review all applications and candidates will be notified within two weeks. Candidates whose applications
are approved will receive notice of authorization to test. Candidates whose applications are not approved will
receive notice that they are not eligible to test and information on why their applications were denied.
• You must provide an e-mail address. The e-mail address you enter on the application will be used
for APICS CSCP application correspondence from APICS.
• Do not submit supporting documentation to substantiate education or professional work experience.
• Be sure to keep a photocopy of your application.
• Please print clearly in block lettering. APICS may not be able to process your application if your
information is not legible.
• Applications must be signed and dated.
• APICS will not be able to confirm receipt of applications. Candidates will receive written notification
of their application status within two weeks of receipt.
• If you do not know your APICS Member/Customer ID Number, please contact APICS Customer
Support at (800) 444-2742 or (773) 867-1778 or send an e-mail to
• Call APICS Customer Support at (800) 444-2742 or (773) 867-1778 or send an e-mail to
if you have questions about applying for the APICS CSCP exam.
Return completed application to
CSCP Application
8430 West Bryn Mawr Avenue
Suite 1000
Chicago, IL 60631
Fax: (773) 639-3171
Supply Chain Management,
Kategori Perusahaan Jasa Logistik
Ada beberapa kategori perusahaan yg menyediakan jasa logistik.
Pertama, kategori
basic service yg hanya menawarkan satu jenis servis dan kerap disebut logistics
service proider (LSP) yg hanya menawarkan satu jenis servis seperti jasa
pengelolaan warehouse, jasa kurir atau jasa yg lainnya.
Kedua ada three party
logistics (3PL), yaitu kerjasama beberapa pihak membangun aktivitas logistik,
misalnya ada perusahaan jasa transportasi berkolaborasi dengan perusahaan
warehouse dan forwarding untuk satu proyek pengiriman barang sampai pengelolaan
Ketiga perusahaan yg masuk kategori lead logistics provider (LLP)
seluruh proses logistik ditangani satu perusahaan. Namun dalam eksekusinya dia
mensubkontrakkan pekerjaannya ke pihak lain. Ada juga yg eksekusinya sampai
kearah supply chain, istilahnya adfordial, mulai dari perencanaan sampai ke
eksekusinya dijalankan peusahaan ini, dia yg membeli barang untuk consumer
sampai mendistribusikannya.
Pusat Studi ERP Indonesia
Level Company dan ERP dan SCM System
Level company seperti apa yg perlu ERP dan SCM System?
1. Level Functional Organization
a company with good functional management which is optimising the performance of
their own function without reference to what is happening in other areas of the
business. Processes are typically carried out sequentially with information
being passed "over the wall" from one function to the next. Functional
orientation sub-optimises enterprise performance in asset management, cost and
customer satisfaction.
Keywords: cost driven, reactive, monthly processes, push, standard services
Perlu : ERP System
2. Level Integrated Supply-Chain: processes are cross-functional and optimised
for the whole organisation. Processes are carried out in parallel by
cross-functional teams and information flows freely around the organisation.
Some integration with major suppliers and customers. With alignment across all
sub-processes and levels of management, operations processes are integrated and
display world-class performance and continuous performance and continuous
Keywords: flexibility, responsiveness, pro-active, weekly/daily, pull,
differentiated services, cross functional decision making
Perlu : ERP dan SCM System
3. Level Extended Enterprise: a company that is on the leading edge of all
emerging practices. It is highly internally and externally integrated, working
with enterprises ranging from Suppliers' Suppliers to Customers' Customers.
There is internal and external process integration, allowing each enterprise to
focus on its customers, core competencies and creating value.
Keywords: real time full visibility, event driven, JIT, joint optimisation,
customised services
E.g. DELL; Airbus Industies
Perlu : ERP dan SCM System
ERP system can encompass, the following functions:
- Sales and order processing
- Raw materials, inventory, purchasing, production scheduling, and shipping
- Accounting
- Human resources
- Resource and production planning
The ultimate goal of a business ERP system is complete optimization of internal
business processes.
The two basic types of SCM system software are:
- Supply Chain Planning software (SCP): uses mathematical models to predict
inventory levels based on the efficient flow of resources into the supply chain
- Supply Chain Execution software (SCE): is used to automate different steps in
the supply chain such as automatically sending purchase orders to vendors when
inventories reach specified levels, etc.
SCM system extends beyond internal operations to encompass all the steps throughout the supply chain – from the supplier through the company, to the end consumer.
Sumber : dari berbagai sumber
Pusat Studi ERP Indonesia
1. Level Functional Organization
a company with good functional management which is optimising the performance of
their own function without reference to what is happening in other areas of the
business. Processes are typically carried out sequentially with information
being passed "over the wall" from one function to the next. Functional
orientation sub-optimises enterprise performance in asset management, cost and
customer satisfaction.
Keywords: cost driven, reactive, monthly processes, push, standard services
Perlu : ERP System
2. Level Integrated Supply-Chain: processes are cross-functional and optimised
for the whole organisation. Processes are carried out in parallel by
cross-functional teams and information flows freely around the organisation.
Some integration with major suppliers and customers. With alignment across all
sub-processes and levels of management, operations processes are integrated and
display world-class performance and continuous performance and continuous
Keywords: flexibility, responsiveness, pro-active, weekly/daily, pull,
differentiated services, cross functional decision making
Perlu : ERP dan SCM System
3. Level Extended Enterprise: a company that is on the leading edge of all
emerging practices. It is highly internally and externally integrated, working
with enterprises ranging from Suppliers' Suppliers to Customers' Customers.
There is internal and external process integration, allowing each enterprise to
focus on its customers, core competencies and creating value.
Keywords: real time full visibility, event driven, JIT, joint optimisation,
customised services
E.g. DELL; Airbus Industies
Perlu : ERP dan SCM System
ERP system can encompass, the following functions:
- Sales and order processing
- Raw materials, inventory, purchasing, production scheduling, and shipping
- Accounting
- Human resources
- Resource and production planning
The ultimate goal of a business ERP system is complete optimization of internal
business processes.
The two basic types of SCM system software are:
- Supply Chain Planning software (SCP): uses mathematical models to predict
inventory levels based on the efficient flow of resources into the supply chain
- Supply Chain Execution software (SCE): is used to automate different steps in
the supply chain such as automatically sending purchase orders to vendors when
inventories reach specified levels, etc.
SCM system extends beyond internal operations to encompass all the steps throughout the supply chain – from the supplier through the company, to the end consumer.
Sumber : dari berbagai sumber
Pusat Studi ERP Indonesia
Supply Chain Management
ERD merupakan suatu model untuk menjelaskan hubungan antar data dalam basis data berdasarkan objek-objek dasar data yang mempunyai hubungan antar relasi.ERD untuk memodelkan struktur data dan hubungan antar data, untuk menggambarkannya digunakan beberapa notasi dan simbol.Data Flow Diagram (DFD) adalah suatu diagram yang menggunakan notasi-notasi untuk menggambarkan arus dari data sistem, yang penggunaannya sangat membantu untuk memahami sistem secara logika, tersruktur dan jelas.DFD merupakan alat bantu dalam menggambarkan atau menjelaskan sistem yang sedang berjalan logis.
Business process management (BPM) is a management approach focused on aligning all aspects of an organization with the wants and needs of clients
Safety terhadap Listrik
Seorang pekerja tersengat listrik ketika sedang bekerja menggunakan tangga.
Hari itu di Milford, Connecticut , USA, Larranaga-Marquez beserta pamannya, Gerrardo Marquez sedang bekerja menggunakan tangga dan sebuah kecelakaan akibat sengatan listrik menimpa keduanya. Menurut informasi dari saksi, keduanya meletakan tangga begitu saja ke sumber listrik tanpa merendahkan posisi tangga di bawah sumber listrik saat bekerja. Kabel listrik yang tidak terlindungi isolator menyentuh tangga besi tersebut hingga menyebabkan Larranaga-Marquez tewas dan sang paman, harus dirawat di rumah sakit karena tubuhnya terbakar.
Korban tersengat listrik mungkin ada di sekitar kita. Dengan membawa korban ke ahli medis atau rumah sakit terdekat sebagai tindakan utama, berikut ini adalah tindakan P3K terhadap korban yang tersengat listrik, yaitu:
>Berdirilah pada permukaan yang kering
>Hentikan aliran listrik pada tubuh korban
> Pindahkan korban dengan benda kering yang bukan penghantar listrik
> Segera minta bantuan atau bawa korban ke ahli medis/ rumah sakit terdekat
Tetaplah waspada saat bekerja dengan listrik.
Salam safety
Surabaya Study Group XIV - Supply Chain Professional 1
Keseimbangan Hidup dan Safety
Hampir satu dari tiga orang mengalami kehidupan keluarga yang buruk akibat tekanan di tempat kerja.
The Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH), Inggris, mempublikasikan sebuah hasil pooling dari health and safety body today (Kamis, 10 Januari 2011) yang menyatakan bahwa di Inggris, hampir satu dari tiga orang mengalami kehidupan keluarga yang buruk akibat tekanan di tempat kerja.
Pooling yang diikuti oleh 2.000 orang tersebut telah menujukkan bahwa tidak seimbangnya antara kehidupan dunia kerja dan keluarga dapat menyebabakan rusaknya hubungan karyawan dengan pasangan hidupnya. 29 % dari 2.000 orang tersebut menyatakan bahwa penyebab utama dari pekerjaan mereka yang menjadikan rusaknya hubungan keluarga adalah waktu kerja yang panjang dan beban kerja yang dirasa terlalu berat.
Tidak heran kalau Dr Luise Vassie, Executive Director of Policy di IOSH, menyatakan bahwa di zaman ini perjuangan utama para karyawan adalah mencapai keseimbangan hidup antara pekerjaan dan keluarga. Dr Luise Vassie juga menyatakan bahwa karyawan dengan keseimbangan hidup antara kantor dan keluarga menjadi lebih produktif, penuh motivasi, dan beresiko rendah untuk mengundurkan diri dari pekerjaannya.
Berikut ini adalah beberapa usulan kebijakan perusahaan yang dapat dibuat sebagai upaya untuk mencapai kehidupan yang seimbang bagi para karyawannya:
• Waktu kerja yang dinamis/ fleksibel (atau dapat dipertimbangkan juga dengan sistem cara kerja dari rumah) dapat membantu karyawan untuk menjaga keseimbangan hidup sehingga mereka dapat lebih produktif.
• Memperpanang waktu jam makan siang minimal dalam satu hari dalam seminggu sehingga memberikan waku lebih untuk karyawan dalam bergaul dengan rekan kerja, berolahraga ringan, dll.
• Memudahkan fasiitas yangmendukung kesehatan karyawan seperti vmenyediaan voucher, discount atau fasilitas gym gratis, berbagai jens olahraga, piihan menu makan sehat, tunjangan kesehatan penuh, dll.
Anda memiliki ide lain agar kita dan rekan kerja kita dapat selalu menjaga keseimbangan hidup ?
Salam safety
Keselamatan Container
Setiap enam kontainer yang diangkut menyebabkan kerusakan pada barang dan banyak kecelakaan disebabkan oleh hasil pengemasan barang yang buruk pada kontainer.
OHS online mempublikasikan laporan terbaru yang menyatakan bahwa setiap enam kontainer yang diangkut menyebabkan kerusakan pada barang dan banyak kecelakaan disebabkan oleh hasil pengemasan barang yang buruk pada kontainer.
Berdasarkan International Labour Organization (ILO) report , resiko terjadinya kecelakaan pada proses pengiriman kontainer semakin meningkat sebesar 16% dari total proses pemindahan barang di dunia. Kondisi tersebut mendorong diadakannya pertemuan bertajuk "ILO Global Dialogue Forum on Safety in the Supply Chain in Relation to Packing of Containers", yang akan dadakan di Jenewa, Swiss, pada tanggal 21-22 Februari 2011 nanti. Pertemuan tersebuat akan fokus untuk membahas solusi pada proses supply chain terkini dengan menerapkan standar pengemasan barang yang sesuai dengan menggunakan kontainer.
Sejarah awal dimulainya pengiriman kontainer dimulai sekitar tahun 1956. Kini berbagai kapal kargo telah mengangkut sedikitnya 9 kontainer dengan berat ber ton ton. Namun sangat disayangkan dengan sering terjadi kecelakaan akibat pengemasan kontainer yang buruk dan kelebihan beban kontainer yang diangkut. Bahkan the United Kingdom P&I Club menyatakan bahwa kecelakaan tersebut menyebabkan kerugian sekitar 5 Milyar US dolar setiap tahunnya.
Marios Meletiou, ILO's senior Ports and Transports specialist, menundang setiap pihak yang bertanggung jawab dalam melakukan pengemasan barang dengan kontainer untuk mengikuti training yang diadakan oleh ILO.
Alette van Leur, director of ILO's Sectoral Activities Department, menyatakan bahwa Laporan ILO telah menunjukkan bahwa adabanyak pihak di berbagai sektor yang terlibat dalam proses supply chain. Sehingga analisis temuan ini menunjukkan bahwa ada beberapa hal yang berdampak pada keselamatan penanganan kontainer di perusahaan yaitu:
· Penyimpanan barang dan pengamanan barang
· Penetapan tanggung jawab dan pelaksanaan aturan
· Peraturan, dan penanganan terbaik
· Hubungan internal dari semua pihak yang terlibat dalam proses supply chain
· Baik buruknya kualitas komunikasi kerja
Salam safety
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